Thursday, February 17, 2011

The C.A.B.A. English Congregation

Wednesday was the day we have all been waiting for... some of us for years.  Our little English group was approved to become a congregation!  And there was much rejoicing!

March 1st will be our first meeting as a congregation.  Brings a tear to me eye...

The group has worked very hard for this.  We have had a lot of growth, including families moving in, Bethel couples moving in, and a student getting baptized.  It was time to form a congregation. 

There is much more work ahead, but everyone is excited and ready to roll.


  1. What a lovely post ♥ You're one of the hard workers who has moved here to help us and personally, though I know I share this feeling with all the - let's start calling it "CONGREGATION," I'm very thankful to all of you, dear foreigners, this congregation is yours. Thanks for all the efforts you made and are still making in our behalf. Thanks elder xerxes! Noe Barrios

  2. I guess this means we (us foreigners ) are not allowed to leave now, eh Xerks?

  3. Well... of course not!! :) '...There is much more work ahead...' ;)
